Trinity Rae tagged posts

Trinity Rae – She’s A Sexy Sucker!

She's A Sexy Sucker!

Welcome back, Trinity!
“Thanks, it’s good to be back! Hey, did I tell you that I just got fucked in the ass? I’ve tried before, it just hurt too badly to go all the way through with it. I had to jerk the poor guy off. Now my butt has been pumped full of cum, and I love it more than I ever thought I would! The feeling of his load spraying the inside of my ass felt so amazing I actually came just from feeling him cum. So, that’s all I’ll be doing when I get a steady boyfriend! The guy I tried anal with was just a friend helping me out.”

Wow! So anal’s your favorite sex act?
“No, it’s just that ass-fucking is new and exciting. It’s like finding a shiny toy under the Christmas tree. You forget about the old ones. Well, that’s not true...

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